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Homes for Ukraine 🇺🇦 Scheme in Coventry 🇬🇧

Matching sponsors and sponsorees, spreading awareness and providing community support to sponsors and sponsorees

Working actively with local, national and international organisations, we are supporting the Homes for Ukraine Scheme in Coventry and Warwickshire.

Love Ukraine

Let's Open our Homes in Coventry & Warwickshire

The UK Government has announced its "Homes for Ukraine" Scheme, where people living in the UK can sponsor and host those fleeing the war who do not qualify for the Ukraine Family Scheme. Sponsors are expected to provide suitable accommodation and will be compensated £350 a month in return.

We are calling out to everyone living in Coventry and Warwickshire who might wish to participate in the scheme. Through our engagement with other national organisations and directly with local aid organisations in Moldova, we are seeing a high level of interest from Ukrainians looking for a safe roof. We are also accepting referrals from other organisations.

You can make a difference today.

Providing Support

At the same time, we are also concerned by the detailed implementation of the Homes for Ukraine Scheme, for there seems to be little to no social or integration support planned either for the sponsor or the sponsoree. This is a significant gap as arriving sponsorees have experienced unimaginable traumas and are vulnerable to exploitation.

We are therefore working with other national organisations to develop the infrastructure which will cover these gaps. First, we will provide training and resources to approved sponsors on how to best welcome and assist their sponsorees. Second, we will provide support and resources to the sponsorees themselves, from the moment when they first arrive to situations where they might encounter any problems with their new environment or their sponsors. We envision that the development of a hotline/walk-in clinic in Coventry that sponsorees can take advantage of.

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